Re: [CSS3] General question about CSS3 vendor prefixes

On 28/04/2011 10:53 AM, Mark Ayers wrote:
> Why are vendor prefixes necessary?
> Thanks for clarification,
> Mark Ayers
> a.k.a. markthema3

Because without them, new CSS specifications can never be tested. At 
this moment in time with CSS3 becoming widely supported in various 
browsers, the specs or drafts can be implemented very differently. The 
more this goes forward, the more that CSS needs vendor prefixes.

I suspect that Safari renders this demo wrong.

At one part (with the doors), I could not translate in either X, Y or Z. 
If there were no vendor prefixes, then as the other browsers begin to 
render this 3D animation, any rules that must be coded with different 
values for different browsers will show the flaws of some browsers with 
CSS3 3D transforms and/or CSS3 animation. Currently I know of several 
demos where Safari and Chrome handle things differently. Since both 
browsers use the -webkit- vendor prefix, it's hard to say what browser 
is wrong.

I do know that Chrome does not support -webkit-transform-style: 
preserve-3d and it may not support -webkit-perspective. This may be why 
I see some differences.

Alan Gresley

Received on Thursday, 28 April 2011 20:36:07 UTC