Re: [css3-lists] [css3-speech] Interaction between list-style-type and speak properties

On Tue, Apr 26, 2011 at 7:49 PM, Daniel Weck <> wrote:
> It looks like some core "list item style" issues are still being heavily
> debated [1]. This is a healthy discussion and I am certainly learning a lot
> about the various types of language-dependent counters <wink>, but I am not
> sure how to best go about this related CSS3-Speech issue [2]. Ideally,
> support for HTML lists should be expressed in a relatively markup-agnostic
> manner (to cater for the discrepancies between HTML versions), and
> similarly, such support should be provided without specific dependencies on
> CSS3-Lists. This significantly limits the feature scope that authors can
> rely on to control speech output for list items. Any suggestion ?

Reading the list marker shouldn't need to pay attention to the list
style - that should be just a visual thing, I would think.  Screen
readers should be able to read <ol>s without caring about what goes on
in CSS.


Received on Wednesday, 27 April 2011 03:01:21 UTC