Re: 'æ', 'ø', and 'å' in lists (was Re: [css3-lists] of lists and castles)

Also sprach Leif Halvard Silli:

 > > For laws and other important documents, I'd probably not rely on
 > > counters and list styles -- I'd rather write the markers into to the
 > > document. Therefore, lists like the above example can still be encoded. 
 > I agree, but what pity? Something wrong with CSS or with HTML?

User style sheets could possibly override list style types and
delete/change the marks. So, if it's very important for the author
that the list style are there, in a certain form, it's probably better
to write them into HTML (or some other source language).

 > But one could be more radical than Tab: a maximum level of 99 should be 
 > enough as a MUST requirement. Perhaps even less than that. Most lists 
 > are only made of 3-4 list items. 

Yes, I'd guess that 99 is enough for 99.99% of all lists.

But I don't see the need to limit the range if we chop section 4.3.


              Håkon Wium Lie                          CTO °þe®ª        

Received on Tuesday, 26 April 2011 11:24:06 UTC