RE: [css3-lists] of lists and castles

[Tab Atkins:]
> I generally agree.  Supporting up to the trillions is just a bit of
> completionism, really; once you have the algorithm to do up to 10k or so,
> the rest is basically no effort. 

Not so. It has to be implemented,verified, testcases will have to be 
submitted to cover the feature...'Completionism' without a use-case is 
feature creep by another name. 

> It's not like browsers will support
> numbering up that high, anyway 

Why specify something that you don't expect browsers to support 'anyway'?

Fwiw, at this point I'm about as excited about this section as John or HÃ¥kon. 

Received on Monday, 25 April 2011 15:59:02 UTC