Re: [css3-lists] Accessibility of disclosure triangle WAS RE: List-style-type Proposal for the Disclosure Triangle of <details>

On Fri, Apr 22, 2011 at 11:43 AM, Belov, Charles
<> wrote:
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From:
>> [] On Behalf Of Lachlan Hunt
>> Sent: Thursday, April 07, 2011 7:53 AM
>> To: www-style
>> Subject: List-style-type Proposal for the Disclosure Triangle
>> of <details>
>> Hi,
>>    For the new HTML <details> and <summary> elements, we are
>> making use of the display: list-item and associated
>> list-style-* properties to achieve the desired default
>> rendering.  The rendering requires that a disclosure widget
>> be rendered, typically a triangle arrow, and the
>> 'list-style-type' property and the ::marker pseudo element
>> suits this use case well.
>> Full details of our proposal can be found on the whatwg list
>> [1] (Scroll down to the section labelled "Proposed Solution").
>> However, list-style currently lacks a suitable set of glyphs
>> that can be used to represent a disclosure triangle, and so
>> we have created our own.
>> We have introduced '-o-disclosure-open' and '-o-disclosure-closed'
>> values, which correspond to a down-pointing arrow, and a
>> right- and left-pointing arrows (depending on writing
>> direction), respectively.
> Some people have difficulty clicking a small target such as a disclosure
> triangle, while others have difficulty clicking a large number of such
> triangles.

I think that the expected behavior of <details> is that the entire
<summary> element is clickable to show/hide the contents.

> There needs to be a way to specify the following globally for all
> websites in a personal style sheet:
> 1. That the disclosure triangle be at least a certain size.
> 2. That the disclosure behavior default to disclose.

#1 can be done by just styling summary::marker.  #2 is a browser
thing, not a CSS thing - HTML defines whether a <details> is open or
not by the presence or absence of the @open attribute.  UAs can choose
to default <details> to open, or somehow offer an option to the user
for such.


Received on Friday, 22 April 2011 19:57:13 UTC