[css3-grid-layout] Grid-cell-stacking question

What would I add the grid-cell-stacking property too?  I initially 
assumed it would be like this:

aside { grid-column: 1; grid-row: 2; grid-cell-stacking: rows; }

I'm aiming for: put all my aside elements in the first column, second 
row and stack them vertically.

But then I read the section again, and looked at Example XIX, and it 
seems like the property should apply to the Grid Cell rather than the 
Grid Item, so I'd have to explicitly call out a cell with the 
::grid-cell pseudo and apply the grid-cell-stacking to that:

#grid::grid-cell("sidebar") {
	grid-column: 1;
	grid-row: 2;
	grid-cell-stacking: rows;
aside { grid-cell: "sidebar"; }

Is this correct, or was I OK with the first one?


Received on Friday, 15 April 2011 00:23:02 UTC