Re: [css3-animations] multiple 'animation-name' and cascading

On Mon, Apr 11, 2011 at 9:09 PM, L. David Baron <> wrote:
> (Alternatively, I suppose one could check for whether the property
> is specified in any keyframe -- though that's a bit more work.)

You need to check all the keyframes.  Given a keyframe like this:

@keyframes wobble {
   0% { left: 0; top: 0; }
  33% { top: 100px; }
  67% { top: -100px; }
 100% { left: 100px; top: 0; }

In the middle third of the animation, the nearest keyframe blocks
don't have any mention of 'left', but 'left' is still being animated.


Received on Tuesday, 12 April 2011 16:14:55 UTC