Re: [css3-text][css3-fonts] 'text-transform' for Accents

2011/4/8 John Hudson <>:
> I consider it a myth -- in the sense of a widely held but unsubstantiated
> belief -- that this practice is 'correct', which is what I heard from
> various French people over the years. The extended form of the myth is that
> this is correct practice in France but not in Quebec, and I met people who
> had been taught this as a rule.
> Yes, 'real native speakers' behave mythologically. :)

I suggest that you take a look at the book “La cyberl@ngue française”.
That book is a real eye opener to me.

Maybe this is just a case of being prescriptive vs being descriptive. :-)

my thoughts on HTML5: +
(thanks and no thanks)

Received on Friday, 8 April 2011 18:01:52 UTC