Re: Extend use of namespaces

On 9/19/10 8:29 PM, Aryeh Gregor wrote:
> You most likely
> *don't* want to style<svg:a>  and<html:a>  differently -- the whole
> point of SVG-in-text/html is that it blends in seamlessly

<svg:a> and <html:a> have totally different content models and rendering 
models.  For example, while it's possible to style <html:a> via color 
and background doing that on an <svg:a> doesn't get you what you want at 
all; fill-color and stroke-color are more likely to be what's wanted there.

> so the author shouldn't care which parts are SVG and which parts HTML.

Except for the little caveat about totally different box models....

> But you sure want to style<svg:textArea>  and<html:textarea>  differently

Sure thing.

> textarea, svg html textarea, svg html html textarea { ... }
> svg textarea, svg svg textarea, svg svg svg textarea { ... }
> or something, for practical purposes.  But that's not acceptably
> robust for UA stylesheets, I'd think.

It's not acceptable for user sheets either, nor in my opinion for author 


Received on Monday, 20 September 2010 00:54:36 UTC