Re: Enhancing grouping of selectors

On Fri, Sep 17, 2010 at 4:19 AM, Matthew Millar <> wrote:
> One thought i had was it'd be easier to treat it as an array, because then
> its more inline with other languages [element1, element2, element3].
> Although obviously this is already used for attributes, so thats out of the
> question.
> For ease, maybe an alternative to () to consider is &. I think its easier to
> read.
> element1 & element2 > subelement1 > subsubelement1 & subsubelement2

This runs into issues with scoping.  From what it looks like, your &
combinator only lets you group together selectors that form a single
element (that is, no element of the group can have any other
combinators).  :any() lets you group arbitrary selectors together.

> Considering internationalisation, is () more common than & on keyboards?

CSS already uses () in several places, so this wouldn't introduce any
further problems.


Received on Friday, 17 September 2010 15:03:56 UTC