Re: [CSS21] Clarifications to run-in

On 09/16/2010 05:41 PM, fantasai wrote:
> Replace
> # 2. Let B be the first of A's following siblings that is neither
> # floating nor absolutely positioned nor has 'display: none'.
> # If B exists and has a specified value for 'display' of 'block'
> # or 'list-item' and is not replaced, then A is rendered as an
> # 'inline' element at the start of B's principal box. Note: A
> # is rendered before B's ':before' pseudo-element, if any.
> # See 12.1.
> with
> | 2. Let B be the first of A's in-flow following siblings. If B
> | exists and is a non-replaced block box, then A is rendered
> | as if it were an 'inline' element at the start of B's contents--
> | after B's list marker box, if any, and before B's ':before'
> | pseudo-element, if any. (See Chapter 12.)

s/and is/and generates/ since we're talking about elements, not boxes.
(Although I personally think that run-ins should be able to run into
anonymous boxes.)

> Remove
> # In the above, "siblings" and "children" include both normal elements
> # and :before/:after pseudo-elements.
> To generalize the last rule to work with new CSS3 display types, replace
> # 1. C is not floating and not absolutely positioned and the computed
> # value of its 'display' is one of 'block', 'list-item', 'table'
> # or 'run-in'.
> with
> | 1. C generates an in-flow block-level box or has a computed 'display'
> | value of 'run-in'.
> Replace
> # 2. C has a computed value for 'display' of 'inline' and it has one
> # or more children that inhibit run-in behavior. (Where "children"
> # includes both normal elements and :before/:after pseudo-elements.)
> with
> | 2. C is a non-replaced inline element and has one or more children
> | that inhibit run-in behavior.
> ~fantasai

Received on Friday, 17 September 2010 01:09:33 UTC