[css3-color] HSL Tables

The 120° table in solitary section is labeled “green”, but CSS calls hsl(120, 100%, 50%), which is equal to rgb(0%, 100%, 0%), ‘lime’ instead. There should probably be a note to that effect, e.g. like for ‘orange’. Also, the basic (CSS1/2 / HTML / VGA) alias for “Cyan” at 180° is ‘aqua’ rgb(0%, 100%, 100%) and for “Magenta” it is ‘fuchsia’ rgb(100%, 0%, 100%), assuming 100% saturation and 50% lightness.

I think it’s ‘lightgoldenrod’, not ‘lightgoldenrodyellow’.

The *keyword* ‘transparent’ is currently found in section 4.2 on “numerical color values”. I assume that is because of its computed value rgba(0,0,0,0), but it makes absolutely no sense for authors (at least). Please, the first thing you should do for level 4 is restructuring this module. I have made more detailed suggestions before.

Received on Friday, 10 September 2010 13:46:04 UTC