Re: [css3-2d-transforms][css3-3d-transforms] Relationship of CSSMatrix interface definitions

On 09/09/2010, at 7:31 AM, Sylvain Galineau wrote:

>> From: Chris Marrin []
>>>> That looks much more clear, to me at least. Is it legal to redefine
>> the
>>>> translate, scale and rotate functions?
>>> Legal in what sense ? It certainly makes sense to add the optional z
>> parameter
>>> to the 3D interface and it seems cumbersome to have two versions of
>> each
>>> method.
>> I mean is it valid IDL. If so, then no problem.
> Oh, got it. You're right. These are not strictly speaking [Supplemental]
> methods; they have to replace the existing translate(), scale() and rotate()
> or you can't tell which one applies when there are only two arguments.

Yes. The description of the methods explains what to do when there are optional arguments.

> This also implies both sets of matrix properties are updated by those methods.
> It's one of those things worth calling out for completeness.

I'll make sure it explains that these replace the 2d versions, and add a link.


Received on Wednesday, 8 September 2010 21:45:31 UTC