Re: Suggestion > CSS > Pseudo element > Container

Pedro Amaral Couto wrote:
> "masthead-container" and "footer" aren't used for content or semantics.
> They are used as a hack to work around a functionality that CSS lacks. I
> found my self doing it. I wrote the HTML code, but when I'm writing CSS,
> I found that I could not make the layout I wanted without modifying the
> HTML code (I wanted to make a fixed dark header filling the whole
> width). That's when I sent the suggestion. What are the benefits of
> "before" and "after"? Those elements are very handy, but they're useless
> on those cases.

If you're using the containers to work around functionality that CSS
lacks, then we should be fixing things by creating that functionality,
not by making it easier to hack around.


Received on Tuesday, 7 September 2010 22:10:51 UTC