Re: [css4-color] #RGBA

On 2010-09-04 4:16 PM, Brian Manthos wrote:
> While you're on the subject...
> Does HSL/HSLA get a short syntax as well?

I don't know how those are supposed to be shortened unless you're going 
to assume that the saturation and lightness are always 50% in the 
shorthand or something (i.e., allowing variable hues, but locking 
saturation and lightness: |hsl(<hue>)| and |hsla(<hue>, <alpha>)|).

RGB/RGBA could be shortened to |rgb(<RGB>)| and |rgba(<RGB>, <alpha>)| 
though. That would certainly make defining relative shades of gray 
easier (though isn't useful if you want a specific hue).

Received on Monday, 6 September 2010 17:45:06 UTC