Re: [css4-color] #RGBA

On 2010-09-05 5:23 PM, Christoph Päper wrote:
> Brian Manthos:
>> Does HSL/HSLA get a short syntax as well?
> It already has a short syntax: instead of
> hsla(180deg, 0%, 50%, 100%)
> you write
> hsla(180, 0, 0.5, 1).
> It lacks the long version.

This isn't correct. While the |deg| unit identifier is not required (and 
apparently forbidden), your syntax has the following errors:

1. The saturation and lightness arguments are percentages on a range 
from 1-100, not 0-1.
2. Unlike other CSS values, the percentage (|%|) unit identifier is 
required even for values of zero.

(I don't know where the spec says those things though; for some reason, 
CSS3 Color seems to be lacking as far as syntax productions.)

Received on Monday, 6 September 2010 17:29:07 UTC