RE: [css3-background] border-radius and wrapping inline elements

> From: Tab Atkins Jr. []
> Webkit and FF render the whole line as one box and then chop the
> decorations at the break, while Opera and IE9 preview render as if
> each line was a separate box, and the break edges were just
> border:none.
> covers
> the appropriate behavior here - FF and Webkit are correct.  Inline
> boxes should be rendered as a single long box, and then just chopped
> at the linebreaks when laying out the lineboxes.

This feature remains at risk and, afaik, is not implemented by any browser. 
If it does not pass the CR period then the behavior will be undefined. Unless,
of course, this was agreed to pass CR at the f2f and I missed it in the minutes?

Again, I am fine with leaving it undefined in Level 3. But I'd rather be explicit
about it, on testing grounds at the least. If we want to formalize the behavior
described in box-decoration-break, then the prose may have to move up elsewhere
and we should talk about this at the next telcon.

Received on Saturday, 4 September 2010 02:06:25 UTC