[css3-transitions] In transition-property: all, <property>, is <property> a duplicate ?

Related to my previous question on shorthand/longhand combinations [1],
what should happen in the following case:

transition-property: width, all;
transition-duration: 10s, 2s;

Using the width-all.html testcase attached, WebKit considers the width transition
to be duplicated by all and transitions the width in 2s. Firefox and Opera transition
the width over 10s.

If we reverse (all-width.html):

transition-property: all, width;
transition-duration: 10s, 2s;

Then WebKit predictably transitions width over 2s i.e. the last width 'wins'; but Firefox and Opera 
still transition the width over 10s.

[1] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2010Oct/0541.html

Received on Friday, 22 October 2010 22:17:58 UTC