Re: Positioned Layout proposal

> On 10/19/10 12:14 PM, Shelby Moore wrote:
>> How does it "complicate" orthogonal algorithms? For example, a visual
>> bounds test walks the element tree
> No UA I'm aware of walks the element tree here; all would operate on the
> box model instead...

Oic, they are using a hierarchal optimization.

But there are ways to optimize the general case, such as dirty lists.

>> If pagination algorithm has been designed to be sufficiently orthogonal,
>> then afaics it should also not be touched for this proposal. Are you
>> concerned or aware that some layout engines may not be coded with
>> sufficiently orthogonal (non-spaghetti) design?
> "All of them", I would expect.

So the issue is may require a rewrite (refactor) of too much code that is
too legacy-twined? So not easy to get there from here.

Thanks for the frank assessment.

I may be of assistance on a re-start next year.

>> I do not know what you mean by "incremental update"? Is that an
>> algorithm
>> that bypasses full document relayout computation?
> Yes.  The thing that happens any time you change the DOM, resize the
> window, etc.  The hard part of implementing CSS, in many ways.

I understand well.

Received on Tuesday, 19 October 2010 16:55:50 UTC