Re: [css3-multicol] propose "column-width:minimum"

> [snip]
>> Yeah now that you mention it, I think min-width:???em is what designers
>> want in this case. This is not the same as setting column-width:???em,
>> because column-width can not:
>> 1. expand or contract the column width (constrained to minimum or
>> min-midth) so as to maximize total width while minimizing height. Note
>> we
>> might need a column-max-width then too?
> What I am trying to eliminate is the unused space between the inline
> direction edge of multi-column element and the last column in that
> direction.  The column-width setting prevents the browser from expanding
> or reducing the column-width to maximize the use of content 2D real
> estate.
> The more I think about this, reducing column width is self-defeating,
> because the content height probably increases.
> The main thing trying to be achieved is to give a target column-width, but
> let the browser shrink or expand this (subject to any min-width minimum
> and content width constraints) so as to optimize use of content 2D real
> estate.
> Thus I no longer see much value in min-content.  Rather I want a setting
> to make column-width flexible.


The above is important when the multi-column element (or outer container)
is constrained in the inline direction as percentage length (e.g. changing
the viewport width can change the actual constrained with), but one
doesn't want to specify the column-width as a percentage, because the
ideal for the column may not be related to the width of the outer

Thus outer constrained width modulo column-width times content height is
the 2D area wasted.  Recovering this wasted 2D area is the objective of
this proposal.  But the proposal has changed, I no longer want
"column-width:minimum", rather I just want a setting to let the
column-width flex up or down to make that modulo zero.

Received on Saturday, 16 October 2010 00:04:48 UTC