Re: [css3-multicol] overflow and paging?

On Mon, Oct 11, 2010 at 10:55 AM, Shelby Moore <> wrote:
> I am reasonably sure you still don't understand my point. Let me draw from
> diagrams to see if you can clarify if I am misunderstanding you, or vice
> versa?  Apologies I should have drawn this in first post, as I guess this
> sort of thing isn't easy to visualize from written description.
> I am not using an <iframe>, but rather a <div style='overflow:auto;
> column-width:xxx'> as I wrote in my opening post for this thread.  I size
> this <div>(1) such that it is height of the viewport:
> -------------
> |           |
> -------------
> |   |       |
> | 1 |   2   |
> |   |       |
> -------------
> Then I fill that <div> with inline content and I set the column-width on
> the <div>, so then I have multiple columns displayed within that pane(1).
> The problem is that that I expect the columns in pane(1) to be paginated
> to the height of pane(1), so there will be page breaks __WITHIN__ pane(1).
> There are no page breaks for the viewport, because the panes(1) and (2)
> never are taller than the viewport.  I have no way to make the inline
> content less tall, because the border between pane(1) and pane(2), is
> draggable by the user.
> In other words, I expect the following in pane(1) where my inline content
> is in alphabetical order:
> -------------
> |           |
> -------------
> |A D|       |
> |B E|   2   |
> |C F|       |
> -------------
>  G J
>  H K
>  I L
>  M P
>  N Q
>  O R
> But instead now I erroneously see:
> -------------
> |           |
> -------------
> |A J|       |
> |B K|   2   |
> |C L|       |
> -------------
>  D M
>  E N
>  F O
>  G P
>  H Q
>  I R

Ah, now I see what you're saying.

Okay, yes, this sort of thing has been brought up before, and will
likely be solved in a manner similar to what you're suggested - a
"paged" overflow method that flows excess content into another pane
which is accessible somehow.

Nothing's been written up quite yet for it, but I have it on my list
of things to look at in the next year, and I think a few others in the
group are interested in pursuing something in this vein as well.


Received on Monday, 11 October 2010 18:35:33 UTC