[css3-values] missing units relative to current viewport position


The "vh" does not solve the case where I currently have to use JavaScript
to set the height of my element from the current position of the element
within the viewport to the bottom of the viewport.

I have a header which does not have a fixed height (not even as a
percentage), then below this I have two container panes side-by-side in
the single row of a table.

|           |
|   |       |
|   |       |
|   |       |

I size these panes on viewport resize so that they are never taller than
the viewport.  All scrolling occurs in the <div> panes (overflow:auto). 
This gives me what appears to be a 2 x 1 column frameset, but all in same
document thus with several advantages over using a <frameset>, e.g.
because of my header, I would have to use 1 x 2 <frameset> containing a 2
x 1 frameset in the bottom frame. And I would have to resize the outer
frameset to height of the header.  Also framesets involve multiple
documents which complicates GetElementById(), and other tsuris. And the
frameset method wouldn't relieve me of the JavaScript requirement.

So thus I suggest we need new units that are relative to the current
viewport position of the element.

Received on Monday, 11 October 2010 17:35:15 UTC