[css3-values] Typos in 'vw' keyword section

In the most recent editors draft of CSS3 Values and Units, the last sentence
of the 'vw' keyword section (
http://dev.w3.org/csswg/css3-values/#the-vw-unit) is as follows:

"When the width of the viewport is changed (for example, when the browser
window is enlarged), lengths specified in the ‘vh’ unit is scaled

It has two typos and should read:

"...lengths specified in the *‘vw’* unit *are* scaled proportionally."

Also, just out of curiosity, why is there no analog to the 'vm' unit which
is the *larger* between 'vw' and 'vh'?  I imagine use cases must have been
lacking or something to that effect but it doesn't seem like much of a
stretch to have something, much like 'cover' and 'contain' keywords from CSS
Backgrounds and Borders.  On the other hand, of course, I suppose you could
just use max(1vw,1vh) but, by that logic, why have 'vm' at all when you
could also use min(1vw,1vh)?

Like I said, just curious but the more important point is the typos.


Received on Monday, 31 May 2010 18:22:48 UTC