Re: [css3-text-layout] New editor's draft - margin-before/after/start/end etc.

On May 26, 2010, at 9:32 AM, MURAKAMI Shinyu wrote:

> Mozilla and WebKit already implemented *-start and *-end properties:

I can't speak for Mozilla, but in WebKit our *-start and *-end properties are faked.  When applied to an element they resolve immediately to left or right (depending on the direction).  We don't carry around a real notion (possibly inherited) that the start side should be used. In other words, if you have a RTL block inside a LTR block and the LTR block has margin-start:20px on it, and the RTL block has margin: inherit on it, you will get a left margin of 20px on the RTL block.


Received on Wednesday, 26 May 2010 19:14:28 UTC