Re: [CSSWG] Minutes and Resolutions 2010-04-21

On Mon, May 24, 2010 at 12:39 PM, Boris Zbarsky <> wrote:
> On 5/24/10 3:36 PM, Tab Atkins Jr. wrote:
>> It needs to.  Making sure it acts properly wrt whitespace should be
>> relatively simple here.  We just want to match the behavior of the
>> table-repair algorithm.  Something like "For the purposes of the
>> algorithm, a sibling is an element or a run of text immediately
>> adjacent to the abspos element, or with only whitespace separating it
>> from the abspos element."  (We're ignoring whitespace whether it's pre
>> or not, right?)
> You also need to skip placeholders (except the ones for floats?), right?

Yes.  Let's see if I can write this up, then:

"For the purposes of the algorithm, a sibling is the first sibling
element, pseudo-element, or run of text following or preceding the
abspos element that is not out-of-flow (in the case of an element) or
whitespace (in the case of a run of text).  Floats are considered
in-flow for this purpose."

>> Hmm.  That's acceptable, but if it's weird, we can just expand the
>> [row|header|footer]-group rules into separate clauses, so it'll bind
>> to the row-group preferentially, which we probably want.  Any
>> preference on whether header/footer should be expanded, or is it okay
>> to leave them as the same clause and just bind to whichever it runs
>> into first?
> I don't think I have much of a preference.

K, then the rules will look like this:

 1. If its following sibling is display:table-cell, the auto position
is the upper left of the border box of the sibling.
 2. If its preceding sibling is display:table-cell, the auto position
is the upper right of the border box of the sibling.
 3. If its following sibling is display:table-row, the auto position
is the upper left of the border box of the sibling.
 4. If its preceding sibling is display:table-row, the auto position
is the upper right of the border box of the sibling.
 5. If its following sibling is display:table-row-group, the auto
position is the upper left of the border box of the sibling.
 6. If its preceding sibling is display:table-row-group, the auto
position is the upper right of the border box of the sibling.
 5. If its following sibling is display:table-[header|footer]-group,
the auto position is the upper left of the border box of the sibling.
 6. If its preceding sibling is display:table-[header|footer]-group,
the auto position is the upper right of the border box of the sibling.
 7. The auto position is the upper right of the content area of its parent.

Received on Monday, 24 May 2010 19:56:18 UTC