Proposal for amendment of margin-collapsing rules for multi-column blocks

Right now in:

We have the following text:

"A multi-column element establishes a new block formatting context, as per CSS 2.1 section 9.4.1."

And then Example XI:

"A top margin set on the first child element of a multicol element will not collapse with the margins of the multicol element."

I'd like to propose that this text be amended to say

"A multi-column element establishes a new block formatting context, as per CSS 2.1 section 9.4.1. Unlike other block formatting contexts, multi-column elements can collapse their margins with their in-flow children if all of the other conditions specified in CSS 2.1 section 8.3.1 for doing so are satisfied."

The example can just be cut.  It didn't include any markup anyway.


Received on Friday, 21 May 2010 20:51:40 UTC