Re: Questions about 'column-span'

On Thursday 20 May 2010 10:49:11 David Hyatt wrote:
> I was thinking about the column-span property as I rewrite
> multicolumn layout in WebKit, and it seems pretty crazy to me.
> (1) Are there any implementations of this property yet?  My own vote
> would be for cutting it, since the desired effect can be pretty
> easily obtained by just wrapping the contents underneath headings in
> a block and putting multi-column styles on those content blocks.

Usually there is no such element, though. A typical mark-up would be

      <h>The title</h>


    section {columns: 2}
    h {column-span: all}

> (2) How far into the descendants of the column can you go and still
> honor a column-span?  For example, can a block inside an inline-block
> that is in a multi-column layout really "break out" of the
> inline-block and span the whole set of columns?  What about
> descendants of an overflow:hidden element inside a multi-column
> element?  I'm not sure that case even makes sense.
> My own proposal for resolving this would be thatHow would you get the 
same rendering without 'column-span'? column-span can only
> apply to objects within the same block formatting context as the
> multicol block.  That prevents objects inside overflow:hidden blocks
> or inline-blocks from being considered.

That makes sense. The columns that 'column-span' refers to are those of 
the root of the current block formatting context. (If that root is not 
a multi-column element, then there are no columns to span 
and 'column-span' has no effect.)

In the example below, all H elements span across two columns, but the P 
inside the floating DIV does not.

    <SECTION STYLE="columns: 2">
      <H STYLE="column-span: all">Top-level heading</H>

        <H STYLE="column-span: all">Second-level heading</H>

        <DIV STYLE="float: left">
          <P STYLE="column-span: all">Floating para.


> (3) Can the column-span element be an inline?  I'm inclined to say
> that it has to be a block-level element.  It seems weird to me to
> break an inline out of flow like that (that could possibly span
> multiple lines).  You'd have to at the very least make an anonymous
> block to wrap the inline anyway.

It obviously has to be block-level, but that leaves two possibilities:

  - 'column-span <> 1' *makes* the element into a block, or
  - 'column-span' only *applies* to block-level elements.

The second seems by far the easiest to understand and is sufficient, I 

In some case you would have to add a 'display: block' to make 
the 'column-span' work, e.g. in this case:

    IMG {column-span: all; display: block}

But that is not unusual for IMG.

> (4) What happens to the margins of a column-span element?
> 	(a) Do its margins disappear?
> 	(b) Do they stick around but not collapse with the columns before or
> after? (c) Does a column-span element collapse its margins with the
> top of the multicol block? With the bottom? (d) What happens to two
> contiguous column-span elements with no column content between them?
> Do their margins collapse with one another?

I'd say:

(a) No, margins don't disappear.

(b) Is the question if the H2 and the P in this fragment collapse their 

    <DIV STYLE="columns: 2">
      <H2 STYLE="column-span: all; margin-bottom: 1em">HHHH...</H2>
      <P STYLE="margin-top: 1em">PPPPPPPPP...

In other words, does it look like the left or the right image?


    PPPPPPP  PPPPPPP                    PPPPPPP

I think I prefer the left image, i.e., the margins do collapse between 
spanning elements and their non-spanning siblings.

But only if there are no intervening non-empty elements. It would be 
difficult to collapse with earlier or later elements that happen to be 
adjacent because they are at the top or bottom of a different column:

    <DIV STYLE="columns: 2">
      <H2 STYLE="column-span: all; margin-bottom: 1em">HHHH...</H2>
      <P STYLE="margin-top: 1em">PPPPPPPPP...
      <P STYLE="break-before: always; margin-top: 1em">QQQQQQQQQ...



(c) No, the spec says that a multi-column element is the root of a block 
formatting context, so its margins do not collapse with its children's 
margins. (In a way that's a pity, but it's what the spec says...)

(d) Yes, two sibling elements with the same 'column-span' value collapse 
their margins. E.g., the positions of the two H2s in the following 
fragment do not depend on Y:

    <DIV STYLE="columns: 1">
      <H2 STYLE="column-span: Y">Heading 1</H2>
      <H2 STYLE="column-span: Y">Heading 2</H2>

> (5) Does a column-span element establish a new block formatting
> context?  For example, a column-span element could contain floats
> that protrude from its space, unless we say that it grows to
> encompass those floats.  If a column-span element does have floats
> that protrude, do the following columns attempt to avoid the float? 
> Again the question of contiguous column-span elements comes up.... if
> the first element has an overhanging float does the content of the
> second column-span element avoid it?

Good question. On the one hand we want the margins of the DIV and the P 
in the following fragment to collapse:

    <SECTION STYLE="columns: 2">
      <DIV STYLE="column-span: all; margin-top: 1em">
        <P STYLE="margin-top: 1em">...

On the other hand, it's probably not nice if a float that protrudes 
partly out of a spanning element is partly clipped:

    xxxxxxxx  xxxxxxxx  xxxxxxxx
    xxxxxxxx  xxxxxxxx  xxxxxxxx

    ############# XXXXXXXXXXXXXX
    ############# XXXXXXXXXXXXXX
    ############# XXXXXX
    ########  xxxxxxxx  xxxxxxxx
    ########  xxxxxxxx  xxxxxxxx
    xxxxxxxx  xxxxxxxx  xxxxxxxx
    xxxxxxxx  xxxxxxxx  xxxxxxxx

But the latter can be avoided by the designer with 'clear-after: left' 
(or whatever mechanism we settle on that has the same effect).

So I prefer to *not* make the spanning element into the root of a 
separate flow.

> (6) What happens with nested column-span elements when the outer
> column-span element establishes a 2nd nested set of columns?  Do the
> margins of the outer column-span element and the inner column-span
> element collapse together if they are contiguous?

That outer spanning element is itself a multi-column element and thus it 
is the root of a block formatting context. That means it does not 
collapse margins with its children.

> (7) What background renders behind a column-span element when its
> transparent?

None? (I don't understand the question: transparent means no background, 
doesn't it?)

> (8) If the column-span element has horizontal or vertical margins,
> what are the hit testing rules when you're in those margins?  Are you
> inside the parent element of the column-span (which itself may just
> be in columns) or are you in the multicol block?

The CSS spec has so far not defined to which element a margin belongs. 
So this is undefined even without columns.

It's probably most intuitive in general when hit testing is done using 
the border box for elements that have a border and/or a non-transparent 
background, and using the content box for other elements. But this 
would need more investigation. It is not something we can define in the 
multi-column spec.

  Bert Bos                                ( W 3 C )                               W3C/ERCIM                             2004 Rt des Lucioles / BP 93
  +33 (0)4 92 38 76 92            06902 Sophia Antipolis Cedex, France

Received on Friday, 21 May 2010 15:13:58 UTC