Re: Suggested text for 'column-span'

On Thursday 2010-05-20 13:41 -0500, David Hyatt wrote:
> When a multi-column block contains a spanning element, all of the
> containing block ancestors are broken around the spanning element.
> The column boxes before and after the break are enclosed in
> anonymous boxes, and the spanning element becomes a sibling of
> those anonymous boxes.

I'm not sure I follow exactly what you're suggesting in this part.
What are "containing block ancestors"?  And where exactly are the
anonymous boxes?  Are they in the first and third parts of the split
(the multicolumn parts), or the second part of the split (the
spanning part), or both?

I think I'd want to see horizontal margins on the multicolumn
element and on elements between the multicolumn element and the
spanning element continue to work.  (Also side borders on the
multicolumn element itself.)

Making that work, I think, suggests a model where there actually
aren't any anonymous boxes at all:  all ancestors of the spanning
element, up to and including the multicolumn element, should get
split into three parts.  In the first and third parts the
multicolumn element would lay out in multiple columns; in the middle
part it would lay out as one column.  (Should those parts get
omitted if there would otherwise be nothing in them?)


L. David Baron                       
Mozilla Corporation             

Received on Thursday, 20 May 2010 18:57:34 UTC