Re: UA's implementation of ::selection

François REMY wrote:
> Why do you want to create a pseudo element for each
> element of the DOM? It would be sufficient to use a
> ::selection object for the root element. Or at least only
> one for each element of the DOM needing a special
> styling. It's not needed to create a new instance of
> the selection styling object for each element of the
> DOM. They can share the same.
> Or is that impossible ?

I am amazed to see 'selection' classed as a 'pseudo element' at all.

For me it behaves much like a 'dynamic pseudo class' or 'UI element 
states pseudo-class'. Both types for which there is a user action.

When I highlight text nodes, I see a different background-color (not 
the default selection color) when I use this.

*::selection {background:red;}

But since this happen by user action, I as a author would expect to be 
using something like this.

*:selection {background:red;}


Armies Cannot Stop An Idea Whose Time Has Come. - Victor Hugo

Received on Sunday, 16 May 2010 09:13:25 UTC