Re: [css3-content] "content" property, replaced elements, and width

From: "L. David Baron" <>
Sent: Saturday, May 08, 2010 8:05 AM
To: "Robert O'Callahan" <>
Cc: "Tab Atkins Jr." <>; "www-style list" 
Subject: Re: [css3-content] "content" property, replaced elements, and width

> On Saturday 2010-05-08 23:25 +1200, Robert O'Callahan wrote:
>> On Sat, May 8, 2010 at 7:32 AM, Tab Atkins Jr. <> 
>> wrote:
>> > CSS 2.1 was not at all clear on how this should work.  The current
>> > behavior, though, is almost certainly *not* what we want when
>> > 'content' applies to all elements.  What are the feelings of
>> > implementors on the possibility of changing the behavior here?
>> >
>> Not hard to fix in Gecko. It does seem like a weird special case though.
> The motiviation for the special case was the extension of 'content'
> to work on elements rather than just pseudo-elements.  It is needed
> to make that extension do what authors want.  That extension, plus
> this special case, plus the extended attr() function, allows
> 'content' to describe the presentation of a bunch of standard
> replaced elements in HTML (and other languages).  That is, with this
> extension, an image element is just displayed using the rule:
>  img { content: attr(src, url); }

David, do you remember any discussion of what should happen
if you have style:

p { content: "test" }

on DOM like this:



p:hover { content: "test" }
case is also interesting.

I've implemented the content: for elements but it
works predictable only for terminal elements only (that have no children).

It has great use in localization especially when combined with constants:

  @const YES : "Yes";
  @const YES : "Да";

button#yes { content: @YES; }

<button #yes>Yes</button>

Andrew Fedoniouk


Received on Saturday, 8 May 2010 19:06:05 UTC