RE: [css3-text-layout] "design philosophy" or "basic idea" how vertical writing would work in CSS

I'm sorry for not being clear enough. If you're talking about how it looks on the screen, you're right, and that's all other East Asian word processors do.

What I really meant was about properties. If you look at properties panel in Adobe Illustrator or InDesign, you will see properties are rotated. Paragraph spacing is rotated. Character scaling is also rotated. Line height, character spacing, all those typographic properties are rotated, and that was what I meant.

I'm sorry again but I hope this makes my original writing clearer.

Koji Ishii

-----Original Message-----
From: Ambrose LI [] 
Sent: Monday, June 28, 2010 4:32 PM
To: fantasai
Cc: Ishii Koji;
Subject: Re: [css3-text-layout] "design philosophy" or "basic idea" how vertical writing would work in CSS

On 28 June 2010 03:18, fantasai <> wrote:
> On 06/24/2010 07:27 PM, Ishii Koji wrote:
>> Now I think I understand the current situation better. I'm guessing, 
>> my questions must come from one of two possibilities.
>> 1. You want to re-invent a new vertical system that I have never seen.
>> 2. You want to use the same philosophy [of rotating the page], but
>>   margins and paddings are very special cases to be treated differently.
>> I still don't know which way you guys are trying to go.
> If rotating the page is option 2, then we're going with option 1.
> Vertical writing should be a first-class alternative to horizontal 
> writing in CSS, and it must be possible for the two to mix gracefully.
> This means horizontal and vertical layout will be analogous. It does 
> not mean that vertical writing mode rotates the layout.

I don't even think a model that does not treat vertical writing as rotated horizontal writing is something we have never seen before.
This kind of treatment has already appeared for at least several years, maybe even longer: At the very least, neither Adobe Illustrator nor Adobe InDesign treats vertical writing as rotated horizontal writing.

Received on Monday, 28 June 2010 08:47:12 UTC