Default stylesheet for HTML5 elements

Dear list readers,
I don't actually know if this default stylesheet for HTML5 has been  
defined yet in the specs, but I noticed that most supporting browsers  
have updated their default stylesheet to reflect the changes made to  
the HTML 5 drafts (notably Firefox and Safari, which have a default  
stylesheet directly accessible by the user). Since I'm a contributor  
of the W3C CSS Test suite since 2008, I'd like to know if this default  
stylesheet has been scheduled for being released in the specs. If so  
(I don't know it, actually),  I'd like to have more info about it in  
order to create some tests about it. Thanks for your attention.  :-)

Gabriele Romanato  (English)  (English)  (English)

Received on Monday, 21 June 2010 08:34:46 UTC