[css3-fonts] humane 'unicode-range'

Would it make sense to add keywords to ‘unicode-range’ or to add another font-decriptor with similar purpose to identify scripts or writing systems (i.e. script + language) supported by (and requested to be used from) the font resource? 

This could make it easier for human style authors.

  unicode-range:   Latn, Grek, U+BA2-F00;

  unicode-range:   script(Latn), script(Grek), U+BA2-F00;

  script-coverage: Latn, Cyrl, Grek; /* ISO 15924 */

  script-coverage: W1G, WGL4, MES2; /* character or glyph lists 
                   from font and OS vendors or Unicode */

  writing-system:  zh-Hani, ja-Hani, ko-Hani, ja-Jpan;
               /*, ja-Hrkt, ja-Kana, ja-Hira*/

I don’t fancy the ‘writing-system’ idea all that much, but ISO 15924 would be nice.

Received on Thursday, 17 June 2010 08:36:03 UTC