Re: min/max-height on cells and rows (was Re: [CSS21] Height of cell box should not be influenced by 'height')

On Wednesday 2010-06-16 10:17 -0700, L. David Baron wrote:
>  (2) They apply per-element:  in other words, for each cell, we
>      compute what is approximately a single computed height (which
>      may be 'auto').  This isn't quite as straightforward to define
>      as it sounds, but it's relatively simple to define in another

Actually, it is straightforward.  It just requires treating 'auto'
values of 'width' as zero, and 'none' values of 'max-width' as
infinitely large.  That's also the case for all the other proposals.

>      manner: the height of the row is the largest of:
>      (a) the heights required by the cells and their alignment
>      (b) the 'min-height' of each cell or the row
>      (c) min('height', 'max-height') for each cell or the row,
>          treating 'auto'/'none' as infinitely large 

which in turn allows collapsing (b) and (c) into:
       (b) max('min-height', min('height', 'max-height')) for each
           cell or the row, treating 'auto' as zero and 'none' as
           infinitely large.

>      ((b) and (c) require describing how to handle border and
>      padding, which is different for cells and for rows, and border
>      is different for the separated borders model and the collapsed
>      borders model)

However, there's also a fifth possibility:  a variant of (2) where
'min-height' and 'max-height' also contrain the intrinsic heights of
the cells (like how (4) differs from (3)).  (And *that's* what I
think Gecko implements for min-width and max-width on cells.)


L. David Baron                       
Mozilla Corporation             

Received on Wednesday, 16 June 2010 17:29:59 UTC