Re: Haptics CSS extension proposal

On Mon, Jun 14, 2010 at 7:59 AM, François REMY
<> wrote:
> I must admit I strongly agree with you, here. A combinaison of ARIA (role,
> ...) and existing CSS (appearence in particular) seems to be sufficient to
> describe nearly every possible situation defined in the current draft, and
> much more. After that, it's an OS task to understand those informations and
> apply the appropriate touch feedback (if needed), and not a browser task (at
> least, at my eyes).
> But I didn't see any advance on the appearance property for a while, which
> can be a concern. Where are we in the standardisation process of that
> property ?

Tantek is back as an active editor, with CSS3 UI listed publicly as
one of his deliverables in his contract with Mozilla.


Received on Monday, 14 June 2010 17:08:31 UTC