RE: is there any implementation of box-lines:multiple?

I want to figure "box-align:stretch" is supposed to in multiline situation. Current spec says 

 # If box-align is stretch, then each line is stretched equally, and the elements 
 # within each line are stretched to the size of the largest item in that line.

"stretched equally" can mean a lot of things. One way to stretch is to apply "box-flex:1" to height or width of each line box. That would be cool and logical in a flex-box, but it would be a new use of flexibility and can have a lot of subtle details.

Any ideas?

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Tab Atkins Jr. []
> Sent: Tuesday, June 08, 2010 12:38 PM
> To: Alex Mogilevsky
> Cc: www-style list
> Subject: Re: is there any implementation of box-lines:multiple?
> On Tue, Jun 8, 2010 at 12:33 PM, Alex Mogilevsky <>
> wrote:
> > I think somebody mentioned it here but I can’t find it. I see
> > “-webkit-box-lines” mentioned in some references but I failed to make
> > it do anything so far…
> No, no one implements multiple-line flexboxes yet.
> ~TJ

Received on Wednesday, 9 June 2010 04:40:37 UTC