Re: [css3-text-layout] margin-before/after/start/end etc. and :ttb pseudo-classes

Also sprach fantasai:

 > >>>   >   >     :ttb   vertial writing is supported and the initial value of
 > >>>   >   >            'writing-mode' is 'tb-rl'

 > > I took that to mean that the mechanism to change the default writing mode, which
 > > lies somewhere outside the document and style sheet (as we have most recently
 > > been talking about it), has changed the mode to 'tb-rl', as though that was the
 > > initial value.
 > Sorry, you'll have to explain what exactly you mean by that.
 > The initial value is what I get if I, as an author, set 'writing-mode' to the
 > keyword 'initial', or, if I , as an author, set 'writing-mode' to inherit on
 > the root element. Are you saying that this value should be changed by the UA?

Yes. People have been asking for a way to set styles based on the
writing direction, and for the (primary horizontal/vertical) writing
direction to be changeable by the user. The idea is therefore to use
the initial value of 'writing-mode' as a means of communication
between the user and the CSS formatter; the UA would offer some UI
that alters the initial value of 'writing-mode'. So, the initial value
of 'writing-mode' would change from 'lt-tb' to 'depends on user


              Håkon Wium Lie                          CTO °þe®ª        

Received on Monday, 7 June 2010 07:34:40 UTC