Re: [css3-text-layout] margin-before/after/start/end etc. and :ttb pseudo-classes


Thank you for spending time on understanding this requirement carefully.

When I wrote:
> We are stuck.
> Pseudo-selectors based on values specified in documents or stylesheets 
> do not allow reasonable fallbacks from vertical writing to horizontal writing.
> Pseudo-selectors based on the writing mode chosen by the user or browser
> may cause circular interdependencies or conflicts.  Some people are thus strongly 
> against.

The first one and the second one is intended to be exclusive.  In the first one, 
pseudo-selectors are enabled solely by examining values specified in documents or stylesheets.
Neither information about the implementation nor that about users' preferences are used.

>   :lrt   horizontal writing is supported and @dir has been set to 'lrt'
>   :rtl   horizontal writing is supported and @dir has been set to 'rtl'
>   :ttb   vertial writing is supported and the initial value of
>          'writing-mode' is 'tb-rl'

is different from what I wrote as "pseudo-selectors based on values specified in 
documents or stylesheets ".


Received on Sunday, 6 June 2010 23:13:54 UTC