Re: [CSS21] bidi, text-align, and list markers

Adil Allawi wrote:
> On 05/06/2010 15:49, Shachar Shemesh wrote:
>>> 4. <li style="text-align:match-parent; bullet-align:match-dir">HELLO 
>>> gives:
>>> * hello
>>>   OLLEH *
>> Shouldn't that be:
>> * hello
>>   OLLEH                                *
>> ?
> Good question! I think it should not. Either the bullet should align 
> with the main bullet alignment or the text. In theory one could 
> specify your example with a value bullet-align:right but I think it is 
> better to have a use-case to show that such formatting is needed.
So you are saying that a three bullets list should look:
* hello
                                                 OLLEH *

I think:
* hello
  OLLEH                                                *
                                                 OLLEH *

makes more sense.


Shachar Shemesh
Lingnu Open Source Consulting Ltd.

Received on Saturday, 5 June 2010 20:06:12 UTC