RE: rendering of border edges

Would you be able to share a link to the page you used for the screenshots at the end of the post ? Thanks !

From: [] On Behalf Of Niels Matthijs
Sent: Wednesday, June 02, 2010 4:28 AM
To: www-style list
Subject: rendering of border edges

Hi all,

Just an interesting thing I noticed, but Firefox 3.6 (and apparently Chrome for Windows) make sure the line created by two differently-colored neighbouring borders is anti-aliased. This ensures a nice visual result.

Hit this when I was trying the css triangle technique using triangles which didn't have the regular 90/45/45 degree layout. When straying from this layout, you end up with ugly jaggy edges in most browsers.

Article and a pic of the result in FF vs the rest can be found:<>

Maybe something to mention in the border rendering standards?

Niels Matthijs

Received on Wednesday, 2 June 2010 20:13:09 UTC