Re: [CSS21] Issue 149 - px vs. pt

On Thu, Jul 1, 2010 at 7:03 AM, Sylvain Galineau <> wrote:
> Given this, if my home page has a stylesheet with a media query for
> (min-width: 254truemm) and another for (min-width:19”), what happens ?
> Should
> they both match ?

I think they should. Physical dimensions are just that-- physical
dimensions. They *should* be absolute. There should be *absolutely* no
need for anything like truemm to map to inches (or pt or cm for that
matter), as 1 inch should be 1 inch, period. The fact that the browser
"lies" about the viewport dimensions, most likely because this
information is not correctly available, is not a CSS problem.

Stephen Hay

Received on Thursday, 1 July 2010 20:19:34 UTC