Hyphenation in web browsers

(I first sent this mail to maintaners of w3.org documents, after which
Elika J. Etemad suggested me to send it to this mailing list.)


I'm one of maintainers of a (recently created) database for UTF-8
hyphenation patterns that can be used in TeX, OpenOffice, ... We try
to keep a complete database of all the available patterns (that we
know of) and try to keep it up to date. (We come from TeX world, but
that is not of big importance.)

We started collaboration with two other projects that deal with
hyphenation and are planning to contact the author of
http://code.google.com/p/hyphenator/ as well. The strong point of the
database is that we are able to automatically convert the patterns to
almost any other ascii form with close-to-zero effort and it would not
make too much sense if dozens of people around the globe duplicate the
same task.

The blogs on
made me aware of two portions of documents that you are responsible for:

I don't understand whether the idea is to store patterns inside
browsers or to make every webpage provide its own.
But we are ready to volunteer to provide patterns for web browsers or
for whoever might need them in some uniform easily parsable format
that could suite all the browsers.


Our preliminary web page:
SVN repository of original patterns:
some example of collaboration (automatic conversion to a different format):

Received on Tuesday, 5 January 2010 12:36:44 UTC