Re: [css3-text] alternate name for line-break: newspaper

Koji Ishii wrote:

> I saw some arguments not liking "loose", but from the discussion, I can't find any good candidates to replace it where all can agree upon. Is it strong enough to continue looking for more candidates?

The trouble with loose is this:

Linebreaking is related to justification, which affects inter-word 
spacing. The purpose of what you are considering 'loose' linebreaking is 
relaxation of hyphenation rules in order to *avoid* loose word spacing, 
e.g. as occurs in narrow columns. So for anyone thinking about the text 
block as a whole, terms like 'loose' may be confusing because this is a 
term more commonly encountered in reference to spacing.

How about 'lax', as a good antonym for strict?


Received on Friday, 31 December 2010 07:32:47 UTC