Re: [css3-text] alternate name for line-break: newspaper

On Dec 21, 2010, at 10:10 , Brady Duga wrote:
> I think 'loose' is better, but I am not sure it will be easy to add a new value between it and 'normal'. Though, I am not sure using 'newspaper' makes that any easier. But as I said, I doubt most users will care - this seems like something that will be used by publishers targeting specific UAs that are intended to mimic traditional print content. I am sure most of them (being typography snobs) will understand that 'newspaper' means "really bad breaks".

Perhaps the problem is with the 'normal' rather than the 'loose'.  Normal for who?  In what sorts of circumstances?

Perhaps "newspaper"-like] and "book"[-like] and so on are more indicative than first thought?

David Singer
Multimedia and Software Standards, Apple Inc.

Received on Tuesday, 21 December 2010 21:44:15 UTC