Re: [css3-page] Margin Boxes At-Syntax

Also sprach Christoph Päper:

 > Have the margin at-rules already been implmented, e.g. in Prince? 


 > I’ve recently made a brochure (with Latex) that had an margin-less
 > image across the whole page header, including the corners. If I
 > understand the Paged Media WD and ED correctly, I would have to
 > split the image in three if I wanted to implement the same layout
 > with CSS, because I actually would need ‘@top’ which is not
 > available.

You can, however, set the background in the page context. E.g.:

  @page {
     background: url(top-across-the-page.png);

So, as long as you control the size of the background image, it should
be quite easy to limit its influence to the top part of the page.

 > The two-sided brochure also had the same content in the outer page
 > margin. There neither is ‘@outer’ nor can I group the selectors
 > ‘left-middle’ and ‘right-middle’, because the odd/even selection is
 > done for ‘@page’.

As Peter suggest, you should be able to do this with :left and :right.


              Håkon Wium Lie                          CTO °þe®ª        

Received on Monday, 20 December 2010 20:32:42 UTC