RE: [css3-multicol] Multi-column layout with height set

Great question. It seems very reasonable to have a mode like this.

The actual calculation of number of columns is part of shrink-to-fit calculation (currently left undefined). Perhaps 'shink-to-fit' definition should include this as a special case, like this

	if height and column width are specified, srnik-to-fit width should be 
	calculated to produce exactly as many columns as needed to fit content.

Would that work?

-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf Of Ishii Koji
Sent: Friday, August 27, 2010 12:56 AM
Subject: [css3-multicol] Multi-column layout with height set

On multi-column layout document, could I ask what would happen if:

* width:auto
* height:<a fixed value>
* column-count:auto
* column-width:<a fixed value>

Given the height has a value, a logical thinking gave me a thought that it would extend the number of columns as much as the content goes.

But the pseudo-algorithm
does not seem to cover such case.

Isn't this supposed to work this way?

Received on Friday, 27 August 2010 16:45:37 UTC