- From: Ishii Koji <kojiishi@gluesoft.co.jp>
- Date: Fri, 27 Aug 2010 03:46:26 -0400
- To: "www-style@w3.org" <www-style@w3.org>
I was reading CSS Paged Media Module Level 3 http://dev.w3.org/csswg/css3-page/ and am wondering, is it possible to add "even" and "odd" to the values for "page-break-after" and "page-break-before"? Maybe this has been discussed before, I'm sorry in advance in that case, but as I understand, when author specifies "page-break-after:right" for example, the original intention is likely to make the next page at the same side of the cover page. It is "right" for the left-binding books, but it is opposite for the right-binding books. I think "even/odd" has a few benefits. * It can represent the author's original intention better in most cases. * It has better abstractions when CSS has properties for binding method in future. We could have both values allowed in case where the author wants to specify left or right regardless of the how the book is bound. Any opinions are appreciated.
Received on Friday, 27 August 2010 07:46:54 UTC