[css3] About opacity

Hi there.
I'm sending this e-mail because I looked around and couldn't find anything
about it. So, I'm sending this little idea.

It is related to the implementation of opacity. I have thought on this:

<style type='text/css'>
  opacity: 0.5;
<div id='parentEl'>
    <div id='son'></div>

Well, the point is that ... I believe it would be better if the son could
restore its opacity to 1, if it s set to it, instead of always applying its
parent opacity plus its own opacity.  In this case, we would be able to
easily implement a transparent background with opaque content. When working
with RIAs, worrying about the look of the application, it may be very handy

Well, that's all. Thanks for your time.
Best Regards.


Felipe N. de Moura
Web development

LinuxUser #508332
Making the web a better place to live

Received on Tuesday, 17 August 2010 15:35:22 UTC