Re: [css3-multicol] test suite

Also sprach Robert O'Callahan:

 > If the column contents overflow vertically, I'd expect the column rule to
 > continue to match the height of the column contents, so the column rule
 > should overflow vertically too. Having the column rule be clipped
 > horizontally but not vertically would seem wrong.

I agree that we should treat the two equally. So, we can either:

 (a) clip all column rules at the content edge
 (b) don't clip rules

The current CR states that "the endpoints" of a column rule should be
"at opposing content edges of the multicol element". I.e., column
rules are clipped. If we go with (a) I suggest we change this to:

  A column rule is drawn in the middle of the column gap with the
  endpoints at opposing content edges of the multicol element. Column
  rules are clipped at the content edges.

If we go with (b), I suggest, well, I don't suggest we do that.
Clipping makes more sense, no?

              Håkon Wium Lie                          CTO °þe®ª        

Received on Tuesday, 17 August 2010 11:45:32 UTC