Re: [css3-multicol] test suite

Håkon Wium Lie:
> For borders, which typically are present on all four sides of a box, 'inset' and 'outset' still makes some sense (…). Column rules, however, only appear between columns …

I wonder whether it would make sense (in level 4) to introduce either pseudo-classes to target columns or new properties, ‘column-border’ etc., where ‘column-rule’ becomes a shorthand:

  :column       {border-left:  <column-rule>; border-right: <column-rule>;}
  :first-column {border-left:  none;}
  :last-column  {border-right: none;}


  X {column-border: 0 <column-rule>; border-collapse: collapse;}
    /* and no first, last borders */

I firmly believe some people will not be satisfied with the options to style columns that are offered by the current draft.

If you open that first can of worms you would probably also want to define relations like these:

  :column       {padding-left:  calc(<column-gap>/2);
                 padding-right: calc(<column-gap>/2);}
  :first-column {padding-left:  0;}
  :last-column  {padding-right: 0;}

  :column       {width: <column-width>;}

Received on Tuesday, 17 August 2010 08:15:26 UTC